Barracuda Email Protection

Get the world's most comprehensive email protection - made radically easy.

Barracuda, a global leader in IT security with more than 150,000 customers and 1 million cloud-enabled products delivered worldwide, protects your people, data, and applications from today's advanced threats.

Barracuda Total Email Protection

Barracuda Total Email Protection brings together multiple industry-leading technologies in a single solution that comprehensively shields your brand, your employees, and your financial assets from advanced email threats including ransomware, spear phishing, and account takeover attacks.

Comprehensive security against advanced email-borne threats

Barracuda Total Email Protection is the most effective solution to prevent targeted social-engineering attacks. Its multi-layered approach combines a secure email gateway, AI-powered fraud protection, and advanced security awareness training. This results in comprehensive protection against business email compromise, account takeover, and other advanced email threats.
