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Public Sector IT Solutions

Government IT Solutions

Galvanize Government Operations and Service Delivery

Thanks to digital transformation, industries of all kinds benefit from greater performance and cost efficiencies. While the private sector charges ahead, many governmental agencies are lagging. We can help. By leveraging our IT expertise and experience with a wide range of government entities, plus specialized contracting and contract administration knowledge, now you can accelerate your own digital transformation.

"Our customer-centered approach puts human relationships and expertise front and center."

Expertise at your service

State and Local Government

We'll help you accelerate change by leveraging our experience with a wide range of government entities and specialized contracting and contract administration knowledge. Focused and notoriously nimble, we'll move quickly to make sure you achieve your goals for improving IT.


Federal Government

We'll help you deploy technologies that enhance services for citizens and workers while meeting administrative targets for performance and spending. With local offices spread across the U.S., we can provide seamless support and services that ensure the integrity of your IT solutions.


Questions? Get in touch with your Zones Account Manager, call (phone numbers above), or contact us online.

Public Safety Pros Say These Technologies Could Have Made Their Jobs Easer and Safer

In a world full of "Nos," we approach every solution with a "Yes" mindset.

Our customer-centered approach puts human relationships and expertise front and center. We listen first. And we're committed to solving your problems with Yes instead of No. This mindset keeps people at the center of every solution we build, every digital infrastructure we implement, and every device we deliver.

As your government IT partner, we'll help you reap the benefits of digital transformation, including increased efficiency, reduced costs, and improved service delivery to citizens.

Helping you solve your most pressing government IT challenges

Modernizing Legacy Systems

Still working with outdated systems that are difficult to maintain and upgrade? We can help you modernize these systems for greater performance, flexibility, and scalability.

Meeting Security Requirements

You're subject to strict security regulations and must protect sensitive information. We can help you implement security measures to meet these requirements and protect data.

Improving Efficiency and Productivity

Complex processes and procedures causing headaches and slow service delivery? Digital technologies can streamline workflows, automate manual processes, and enable more efficient use of resources.

Enhancing Collaboration and Coordination

It's amazing what you can do with the right digital tools – like enabling better collaboration and coordination among government agencies and other stakeholders.

Managing Big Data

We can customize a secure, modern solution to help you better collect, manage, and analyze data to inform policy and decision-making.

Fortifying Cyber Defenses

Government agencies are always a target for cyberattacks. Our team of cybersecurity experts can help you identify and implement essential solutions to fortify your defenses and protect your systems and data.

Accelerate your digital transformation with Zones' services and solutions for government IT.

For more information, contact your Zones Account Manager or give us a call. State and Local Government customers: 800.381.9663. Federal Government customers: 800.408.9663.