Cisco products and solutions from Zones

Internet of Things

Pennzoil Place, Houston, TX

Cisco Internet of Things (IoT) – Industry Solutions

Discover new opportunities with Cisco IoT

The real-time connection established between people, processes, data, equipment, and smart devices through the IoT empowers each industry to be more responsive, innovative, and competitive.

Zones IoT solution architects and engineers can introduce you to products and industry-specific solutions that improve productivity and efficiency in property management, oil and gas, transportation, utilities, manufacturing/distribution, and healthcare.

Learn more about Cisco IoT industry-specific solutions and Zones IoT group consulting services by contacting your Zones account manager or calling 800.408.9663.

Zones transforms Pennzoil Place towers into intelligent facilities

Intelligent Facilities

The IoT turns existing or new facilities into fully converged, secure, and intelligent environments. Interoperability across all systems improves operations and management, reduces energy cost, and enhances safety and security. It also allows for new interactive services in the facilities that create a more productive, responsive environment for everyone who uses, manages, or develops real estate.


The IoT plays a significant role in a broad range of healthcare applications resulting in cost-effective, high-quality care. The benefits include faster more effective care, improved patient satisfaction and safety, better communication, and enhanced technology investments.


The IoT is a key element in the next stage of manufacturing, and its potential to improve efficiency in the manufacturing process and the supply chain is immense. Implementing IoT solutions enables a level of orchestrated production never before seen, helping companies design more innovative products, improve operations and predictive maintenance, and compete more effectively for aftermarket services.

Del Papa Distribution adopts IoT to increase security and improve processes


The IoT can serve as an essential competitive differentiator by maximizing the customer experience through improved communication, cross-selling of guest services, and in-room personalization. Owners and operators can further benefit from the IoT through increased energy management, environmental monitoring, and building automation and security.