Licensing Tracker
Manage All Your software licenses through ZonesConnect
  • Create a repository of all your software license data
  • Stay proactive on license renewals through timely notifications and alerts
  • Utilize reporting tools that adapt to your workflow
  • Track data from other software license providers
  • Keep abreast of upcoming license news and offers
License Tracker is a complimentary software license management tool within your ZonesConnect account. It is specifically designed to help you manage your software licenses and remain compliant with software publishers and programs. It is a single repository for all your software licensing data, regardless of where they were originally purchased.

Please review the brief overview below. Then contact your account executive to establish user access.

Easy-to-Use Interface
Streamlining software license management begins with the Zones License Tracker home page. It gives you a dashboard view and access to licensing news, valuable offers, custom report generation options, a three-month projection of expiring licenses, and forms to upload information about licenses you purchased from other software providers.

Figure 1: The Zones License Tracker home page gives you quick access to all features, including a three-month projection of expiring licenses and the latest edition of Zones License Newsletter.

Access to All Your Software License Data
You are able to access information about licenses purchased from Zones, including contractual licenses such as Microsoft Select and Adobe. In addition, you may upload data for licenses purchased from other software providers using built-in forms. The result is a complete repository of all your license data.

Add License Data from Other Software Providers
The Agreement and License Data Entry section allows you to add license data directly into the database through a online form or a pre-defined, downloadable form.
  • The pre-defined form has three required fields. Simply fill out the fields, save the form as a .csv file, and then upload the form into Zones License Tracker.

Figure 2: The Agreement and License Data Entry section is where you can enter and upload license data directly into the Zones License Tracker database.

Automated and Customizable Reporting
Notifications and reports generated in Zones License Tracker provide you with information well in advance of any expiration dates. This ensures you have plenty of time to renew your software licenses at the best prices and always stay current.
  • The Zones License Tracker home page has a quick button that generates a three-month projection of expiring licenses in a calendar format with expiration dates highlighted. When you click on any of these highlighted dates, a new window will open displaying detailed information about licenses that need to be renewed.
  • In the Report Generation section, run one-time Standard Reports or custom, recurring Connect Reports at convenient intervals. You have a variety of criteria to choose from including expiration date, manufacturer name, purchaser and more. Zones License Tracker will automatically produce reports in the form of Excel spreadsheets that will be sent to an e-mail address you designate.

Figure 3: Example of the one-time Standard Report and the criteria to select in custom, recurring Connect Reports.

Notifications of Current License Offers
A licensing newsletter is published twice a month and features current license promotions, security bulletins, product updates, and other licensing news. The latest edition is available for download on the Zones License Tracker home page or through subscription via e-mail.

Securable Access to License Information
Zones License Tracker gives any ZonesConnect user the ability to see all license data and upload additional information. For added security, the system has the capability of allowing access only to specific users such as your software buyers, IT team or executive staff.

Start enjoying all the benefits of Zones License Tracker today!

If you are an existing ZonesConnect please call your Zones account executive to establish user access and get more information about the powerful features of Zones License Tracker.

Not a ZonesConnect customer? Click here to learn more about the features and benefits of ZonesConnect and take a tour or call a Zones Account Representative at 1-800-710-4808.