IBM products and solutions from Zones

Power Systems

PowerLinux 7R4 Server

High performance, open technology server for data intense workload

The way the world works is changing. Consumers want instant answers and ubiquitous access from smart devices. They are having billions of conversations on global social networks. Businesses selling goods and services to these consumers are utilizing newly available information and instantaneous communication capabilities to more effectively market. Born-on-the-web companies are delivering massive amounts of information to millions of users. These smart companies have one thing in common—they are exploiting Linux and emerging solutions to deliver the right services at the right time to the right clients.

The IBM PowerLinux 7R4 has been designed to leverage the leadership performance of the POWER7+ processor. The resulting combination of secure, reliable computing and energy efficient virtualization make it an ideal server for data intense workload applications.

Learn more about the sophisticated capabilities of IBM Power Systems by contacting your Zones account executive or calling 800.408.9663.


  • A high-performance, open technology server for data intense workload solution in a 5U package. With IBM POWER7+ workload-optimizing technologies
  • Cloud ready data intense workloads consolidation server for applications, industry solutions, departmental OLTP and emerging workloads like big data, analytics
  • Virtualized from within for better integration with compact, economically efficient design
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